Skills and Tech


HTML, CSS, Sass, JS, PHP, Webpack and Docker.


Wordpress, Laravel, Angular, Vue and Flutter.

Problem solver

I don't have problems I have opportunities for solutions.

Always Learning

Experimenting with CI/CD pipelines and building beautiful applications with Flutter.

Work experience

- Present

Webdeveloper @ Van ons

  • Updating existing sites
  • Wordpress theme and plugin development
  • Laravel development
  • Laravel integration into Wordpresss for more complex sites
A couple of our best



Webdeveloper @ Sixtyseven

  • Creating beautiful websites with Wordpress
  • Wordpress theme and plugin development
  • Page speed optimization
  • Problem solving in PHP & JS
  • Researching new technologies and software
  • Updating code, content and graphics of existing websites

My personal Works

De koffie manager app

The Coffee

Take a look
World time app

World time

Take a look
Steam lib comparison

Steam lib

Take a look


More About me

A passionate web developer who continuously wants to learn and improve his skills on a personal and professional level.

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